Friday, 13 August 2010

OL Crazy and Mandatory Volunteerism

It's only 1.5 days until the star of my law school career and I am putting everything in order so that I can be ready to study with minimal drama and distraction. Almost everything is in place, except for minor, completely unimportant things like my health insurance. I've realized through this preparation that I am maybe a tiny bit obsessive (but not always compulsive).

I have bought some new clothes in all neutral colors so that they can all go together and so that I do not display any unseemly personality, god forbid. Orientation starts with a cookout, which I am dreading. I am dreading trying to make friends in a big group of people I don't know. I am horrified at the thought of actually SPEAKING to professors outside of class! And I am terrified of having to attempt to eat and talk at the same time. How does anyone manage this without looking like a gaping idiot, or dribble food down your front, or ending up with green stuff in your teeth? This is all starting to sound a little crazy.

I read a horror story somewhere (I can't remember where) about a 1L student dropping a whole PLATE full of food on a professor's clothes. I do not have the greatest track record of being impressive and poised in front of people I actually want to impress, so I am actually kind of worried about this. I think the only solution is to not eat at this thing. I'll be too nervous and I am actually just scared to look stupid and embarrass myself on the first day of law school. Call me whatever names you wish. I may turn out to be this person.

I'm also being pretty obsessive about my work space. I'm trying to keep as many potentially distracting items off my desk as possible. Smart, right? My desk (from IKEA, but I love it) is about 2000 square feet of empty real estate and it's kind of cold most of the time. When I start working, though, I have a system and my desk ends up being completely cluttered by all the things I need to have within a hand's reach while I'm studying. And everything needs to be in its proper place. My pencil case must be open and placed on the top right corner of the desk. I need three items--a pen, a highlighter and pad of post-it notes--to my immediate right. My subject binder must be open to the syllabus and placed in the top left hand corner of the desk. My planner must be opened and place just below the binder. My computer, if I am using it must be directly in front of me and slightly more than halfway up the desk. The desk lamp(s) must be placed at a 45 degree angle, pointing directly at my work. Obviously this means my things are sprawled all over the place, which makes my husband nervous because he only has one desk at his place. I imagine he wants to be the one to use it.

I've also been a little obsessive about my study statistics ever since I started reading for my intro class at the beginning of the week. I set myself a number of pages per day and I've been keeping track of how much time it takes me to read them, including how much time I spend faffing. Faffing is a fantastic British word for procrastinating and otherwise wasting time. I have a little three-channel timer and I kept track of things down to the minute. The first day I was reading, I read at the rate of 11 minutes per page--awful! I think that was mostly attributable to excessive amounts of faff. About 30% of my time spent 'working' was actually just faffing. Not good. However, by Friday I took only 3 minutes per page, and spent only 10% of my time faffing, so I'd say that's some good improvement. Did I understand much of what I was reading? Well, I certainly didn't learn it. I think that will require a second reading and some note taking. I have no idea how I'm supposed to do this in the number of hours available in the day!

Finally, one last piece of law school crazy. The 1Ls are going to spend one afternoon of the orientation doing a community volunteering project. I got a list of all the possible assignments, which included volunteering at the public library, etc, generally indoor things. Me? I'm going to be doing trail maintenance at a local park. I generally don't do outdoors in the summer, but come orientation, I will be hot and sweaty, maintaining some trails with 40 other 1Ls and the Dean of Admissions. Voluntarily.

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